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Frequently asked questions

When can we start?
You can book directly here on the website by going to the bookings page. 

Where are you based?
Conveniently situated on Bearsted Green, immediately to the right of The Fish on The Green Restaurant down the drive way. Parking is available, I will show you where.

I’ve never done Pilates before I am a little unsure of what to expect.
This is your session and it is dedicated to you and your needs.
You are in a safe, relaxed, friendly space where you will clearly be shown every step a long the way. From absolute to beginners or experienced movers this is a Pilates Paradise for you to achieve your goals.

What’s the difference between Pilates and Yoga?
Simply put, Pilates is a functional movement practise that improves your mobility and strength for everyday activities.  Pilates can be practised on either a mat or on large studio equipment.
Yoga has static poses that can be held for a period of time or flowed together all performed on a mat. 
Both take a holistic approach with mind and body connection but Yoga has a more spiritual approach in a class. 

I’m currently still in pain but my Physio and Osteo have said I’m fine to do Pilates is this ok?
This is your session and we move at your pace, be assured that we consistently communicate and explore what you are feeling without any assumptions. I am used to liasing directly with Physios and Osteos which can help provide me with useful information on what you are experience, I am happy to do so with your permission should you require this.

Do I need to bring water?
Yes, you will need to keep hydrated.

What do I wear?
Wear something comfortable that you are able to move in with ease.
For the Reformer/ Equipment sessions, clothing with zips on are not allowed due to the fabric leatherette surfaces are easily damaged, as well as for your own comfort.
Socks are mandatory to be worn in the studio and sticky socks are recommended, these can be purchased in the studio if needed.

What Can Pilates help me with?
Pilates is a full body movement experience where you gain strength for functional movement. It strengthens your entire body and mind. 

How often can I and should I come?
That entirely depends on your reason, goals and motivation. It’s a practise that can work and fit in with your life and your finances. I have repeat clients that come to the studio once, twice or 3 times a week all for very different reasons and all benefit from their sessions. Some clients combine both Mat classes and 1:1 equipment sessions. Others come once a week to either and practise home moves on the mat between sessions.

What is your cancellation policy if I cannot make my session?
If you are unable to make a booked session you are able to rearrange for a more convenient time if it is more than 48hrs before your slot. As much notice as possible is appreciated to rearrange. If less than 48 hrs notice is given unfortunately your session will be forfeited and you will be fully charged due to being a small independent business with limited available appointments. 


What’s Equipment/Reformer Pilates, I’ve only ever heard of Matwork Pilates?
Equipment and Reformer Pilates was also created by Joseph Pilates the creator of Pilates, go to In Studio to take a look and see more.

What can I expect from my first 1:1 session with you?
You will have booked a block of 6 sessions, each session is 1hour long.
The first sessions we complete a movement screening, health history and goal setting. You get familiar with the equipment and surroundings ready for your next session.
Each session is tailored to you and how you and your body is on that day.

Can I book equipment/reformer sessions separately?
Unfortunately no. They are in blocks of 6 or you have a single studio session included in the 6 week Matwork Course where we get to take your movement challenges onto the equipment to support your Matwork practice.

Why do you only do blocks of 6 equipment/reformer?
This enables you to see and feel results, progression, improvements as well as build consistency and work towards your goals.

Can I do a duet/trio with friends in the studio?
Absolutely, this can be a fun way to work out. You can move 3-4 people in the studio at once in a circuit or you can come as a duet and both have a Reformer session.

When are 1:1 classes available?
Monday–Friday, 6am - 7pm
Weekends – contact me directly

Do I bring my own mat to the Matwork classes?
For Bearsted Holy Cross yes.
For Ledian Gardens they are provided.

Do you do ‘Pay As You Go Matwork classes’?
Matwork courses can only be purchased and attended in pack sessions and courses. Mat classes are external hired pre paid venues and are attended by our small group. With a pre paid booked course you also gain consistency, accountability and more successful results  by attending regularly. 

What if I cannot make a Matwork class?
Not a problem, just drop me a message and let me know in advance, this is appreciated.  It may still be counted from your course sessions but your space will be reserved and we will look forward to seeing you the following week. Bearsted Holy Cross, 6 week course all weeks are counted but your space will be kept until your next week.
Ledian Gardens, Leeds village, 10 session pack, you have 12 weeks to use them enabling you to miss a week or 2 should you need to and not be charged or counted as your 10 sessions.
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